Friday 16 March 2012


„3D printed object made with netfabb” | fot. Creative Tools | Creative Commons

3D printing is still little known technology. In Poland began to talk about this recently. I decided in a few words to tell you about a three-dimensional printing.

When and where did the idea of the 3D printing?
At the end of the 80s the twentieth century developed the 3D printing technology. It has happened (of course) in the USA – and more specifically in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
It is one of the earliest methods of rapid prototyping. With this device we are able to visualize your ideas at home.

How does it work?
The simplest answer is – all thanks to the additive method. But… does everyone understand this concept without looking to the dictionary of foreign words? Of course not…
I think, that I should to explain an action principle of 3D printers in a somewhat simpler manner. Namely, it comes to printing designs (in graphic program) layer by layer.
So, the only limit is your imagination and level of skill in the design of three-dimensional computer models.

How long does it take to get ready model?
The waiting time was reduced from several days to several hours.
After printing it is time for any finishing work. For example, you can dip your model in the liquid curing. After this, your “print” will be ready.

I think that prototyping in this way is more reasonable and simpler solution for many industries.
Thanks to modern 3D printers a printing process is done in the comfort of your own office. Moreover, no need to spend extra money on another kind of prototyping.

I think that the three-dimensional printing is future of the world. Soon, such devices will supplant large and bulky machines from the factories of prototypes.      

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